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Litter Box:

Using a Stainless-steel litter box is healthier than using plastic.  Plastic absorbs odors which is a big part of why your litter box always has an odor and less to do with the cat's feces.  see below:

Yes, stainless steel litter boxes are better than traditional plastic litter boxes12Stainless steel is nonporous, so stains, odors, and liquids can’t get absorbed into the material itself, making it much easier to clean1After some time in a plastic litter box, as the cats keep scratching its surface, it creates micro-tunnels where bacteria can grow2The stainless-steel litter box will keep its shape intact even as the cat scratches2.


Cat Litter:

Most cats prefer fine-textured clay litter over other types, said Dr. Pam Perry, a feline behavior specialist at the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine. Clay granules are similar to the soft soil or sand that cats use in the wild. Remember to have more than 1 litter box in the house if you have more than 1 cat.  


No shoes in the house:

Walking indoors with shoes on is the quickest way to bring illnesses to your cat.  Be sure to remove your shoes before coming in so that you are not introducing unwanted illnesses to your fur baby.  Keep a pair of house slippers by the door to transition into as you come in, they will love you for it. 


In Home Boarding - A Safer Option:

If you are fortunate enough to have a cat sitter to watch your cat while you are away, you are ahead of the game.  Boarding cats at a facility is a sure way to subject them to various illnesses and unwanted stress.  As you already know cats can get stressed easily over various reasons.  Removing them from their comforts of home creates stress and an unpleasant experience.  This effects their eating habits, sleep habits and behaviors.   Keeping them home is the ideal option.  Make sure you research the perfect cat sitter that is the best fit for you and your cat.